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VISA - I am a UK citizen, can I apply in advance for a visa to visit Cape Verde for a number of months

Yes you can do this yourself directly. There are two options:

1. Contact Jonathan Lux, the Honorary Consul to Cape Verde who is based in London.

2. Contact the Cape Verde Embassy in Brussels.

1. Honorary Consul to Cabo Verde in London

I am the Honorary Consul to Cape Verde in London and, as such, I am in a position to assist in various ways, including the provision of visa's. I have a contact telephone number within the following link, but please note this is just for emergencies. Normal contact is by email.        

Again, please note that contact should be made by email, as the phone number is for emergency purposes only:

Email:  capeverde@jonathanlux.co.uk

Web: HC to Cabo Verde - London

Jonathan Lux
Honorary Consul to Cabo Verde in London

2. Contacting the Cape Verde Embassy in Brussels. LINK: CONSULAR-SERVICES-BRUSSELS

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