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Investing - INFO: How I had a 'Will' drawn up on Sal Island - by SB

Making a Will in CV - Experience of one investor on Sal - by SB

As I own a property in CV, I was advised to make a 'Will' in Cape Verde.. I have made a Will in the UK, all very simple, a quick visit to a Solicitor, read it, sign it, job done, and at a reasonable cost of around £40. Not so straightforward or cheap in CV.

My Will had to be translated into Portuguese and sent to the Notary in Espargos. Then myself and 3 witnesses had to go to the Notary with my passport, where the contents of my will had been handwritten in a Book of Wills, which had to be translated and read back to me, then I and the 3 witnesses had to sign the official book. All for a cost of 400 Euros. Expensive, but worth doing for peace of mind. Hope this info is of help. Regards SB

EXPATS NOTE: You need to be respectfully dressed when attending the Notory.
Ladies and gentlemen should not wear shorts or vests.
Gentlemen should wear long trousers and a shirt with sleeves.
Ladies should wear a dress or blouse and knee length skirt or blouse and long trousers.
One gentleman who went to his lawyers office just before going with them to the Notory to have his Will legalised was informed at the Lawyers office that he should go and buy a long length pair of trousers to change into instead as his knee length chino tailored trousers as they were not acceptable.

Marriage Blessings - Sal

Investing in Property



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