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SHIPPING - Importation - Cape Verde


There are a number of ways to import goods to Cape Verde, but do you know which is the best way for you?

The following information was provided by a representative of the Business Entrepreneurs Cape Verde (BECV) - July 2018.

BECV - July 2018

Setting up a Company

For the import process, first, the company must be legally constituted and established in Cape Verde, and its corporate purpose should cover wholesale, import and / or export activities. It should be mentioned that in Cape Verde companies can be set up on the day through the Casa do Cidadão branches in less than 24 hours.

Commercial Licence (Licenciamento Comercial)

Then obtain the importer / wholesaler license from the Chamber of Commerce. The process for granting the license is also rapid (24 hours) provided that all the required documents (attached) comply (Membership, company and goods stock space documents).

Customs Tarriff (Pauta Aduaneira)

In addition to customs duties on imports, goods may be subject to other charges such as VAT (Value Added Tax), ICE (Special Consumption Tax), Ecological Fee and Community Fee. (Attached the Customs Tariff provided by the national leadership of government revenues).

Licence Fee (Taxa de Vistoria)

The cost of obtaining the license is 20,000 escudos (fixed) plus an inspection fee that varies according to the storage area of goods (attached fee).

Importation Classes (Classes de importação )

Regarding the product classes, there are 21 classes (attached) that can be inserted in the import license, but according to the corporate purpose of the company (without additional cost).

MAY - 2011 - Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy (MTIE)

The MTIE perform a number of functions including monitoring importation and also the Importers who hold an importation license, to check that their licenses are valid, up to date and what goods they have imported.

Someone that wants to hold an importation licence on Sal and Boa Vista must firstly meet the criteria to allow them to become a licensed importer. Once the application has been approved, the MTIE will update their database of licensed importers. The database will identify:

The name of the license holder
The type of license they hold (all which are reference coded).
Their License number
and some other things.

As at June 2011, there were 21 different license categories for importation in Cape Verde.

Example: Someone that holds an Agricultural Import License will be able to import a range of goods related to Agriculture, such as live animals and fruit. However if the same importer wants to import 'building materials' he/she would need to also hold one of the other licenses or use an Importer that does have a license for importing building materials/construction materials.

Please note, the information provided above will have changed since 2011.

There is some useful information on the PORTON DI NOS website, the DNRE pdf, and the Governo de Cabo Verde website. Cape Verde Trade Invest website, INFORPRESS website and other associated links from those websites. Please note you'll need to make your own arrangements to translate most of the info from Portuguese to other languages.

You can also find related information on Importation to Cape Verde, Sending goods by Airfreight or by Container Ship, Importing Goods by Ship, Business Incentives, Setting up a Business, Sending Goods to Cape Verde, Overseas relocation to Cape Verde, Taking personal goods to Cape Verde, Shipping goods between the Cape Verde Islands, Dispatcher and Clearance Agent for Importing Goods to Cape Verde.

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